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Ready For Passengers

The van has a second row of seats! This was a fairly simple process of cutting a bracket, drilling some holes, making another bracket, ...

How Far It Can Go.... Sprinter MPG

Miles per gallon was only a small consideration when deciding what type of van I wanted to purchase. Interior space and height and...

Accidentally Tested Out the Van's Battery Life

It was destined to happen eventually. I expertly parallel parked the van on the fourth attempt between Prius and a mini school bus on a...

Dino the Graffiti Cleaning Guy

Stewsworld Blog is back, after many busy months I have many new things to share. As mention in a previous post my van was vandalized by...

A Friendly Neighbor: First Van Wash

The most random experiences can sprout out of mundane happenings on the sunny summer streets of Brooklyn. On this occasion I was sitting...

Custom Sprinter Van Sun Shades

Working in the field the past couple of weeks I have had a solid amount of down time between borings and permeability tests, tests down...

Van Got Some New Kicks

Two days ago I noticed a large gash in the front passengers side tire, no idea where it came from. My knowledge of tires is limited and I...

Big Improvement: Redesign

I redesigned my website! It looks better than before. Will be posting all about my recent family trip to Scotland tomorrow, get pumped....

The Final Step - Safety and Emissions Testing

The van is now registered in New York State and the 10 day temporary safety and emissions sticker is about to expire. New York State...

Jury Duty: An Unexpected Experience

Two weeks ago I received a letter (see above). I was a little but excited but not a lot. I would get to participate in part of the...

Joyous: The DMV

Suprisingly an overall good experience with a few funny and scary moments. As strange as an enjoyable DMV visit sounds, my two recent...

Van Log for My Van Blog

I have created a Van Log that will be used for tracking the activities, finances, and timeline for my van conversion. Check it out on my...

Saturday: Getting to Know My Van

Van Supply Closet A busy day in the van. It started by watching a crap Liverpool performance at 7:30 am, huevos rancheros for breakfast,...

Oh Come On! My Van Tagged, Hooray

Oh man, what a whirlwind of a Friday afternoon. It began with a long week including a great visit one of my fellow Bike and Builder's...

Come On Cereal Boxes

I have to switch up my breakfast every couple weeks or it gets very mundane. Too much consistency makes me not want to eat in the...

Van Search Update: It Continues

Quick van search updates as I have told so many people about getting a van and have yet to post about getting a van. I unfortunately have...

Messenger Bag

I recently decided to upgrade to a more professional looking work bag for going to my office or any client meetings as attending meetings...

Heublein Ridge

This past weekend Katie and I had a small adventure in climbing a small mountain or big hill and at the top was a splendid view of...

Fancy Cocktail Friday (Delayed) Part 3

It (was) that time of the week again, Fancy Cocktail Friday. After last week's sugary questionable cocktail it was time to step up and do...

My Delayed But Finished Bike and Build Video

The video is finally done, what a journey it was just to make this video. I am pretty proud of it. Check it out below or on my Biking...

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