This is the first installment of "All By Myself" where I take lots of other people's direction from the internet, evaluate it's quality, and do something all by myself. First up, Beard Balm.
Why do this myself? It's expensive online, I use it everyday, I think I can master it pretty quickly so why not. I have tried it before with varying levels of success. One time it was fantastic and smelled great and one time I somehow made a candle.
The ingredients:
1 oz Shea Butter
1 oz Coco butter
1 oz Beeswax
4(ish) oz Carrier Oils: Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil, and Almond Oil
However many drops come out at a time Essential Oils (Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sweet Orange, Tea Tree, Lemon, Lime, Clary Sage, Spearmint, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus, Pink Grapefruit, Bergamont, and Dark Patchiouli.)

I split the essential oils into three groups

The ones I like: (Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sweet Orange, Tea Tree, Lemon, Lime, Spearmint, Eucalyptus, Pink Grapefruit, .)
The one I don't: Cinnamon Bark
The "I Don't Know What Smell This Is" group: Clary Sage, Bergamont, and Dark Patchouli
Mix all the ingredients together and melt on low (no essential oils yet)

I wanted to experiment with scents so I split up the beard balm into four batches. Watch the video below to see the four scent combinations I tried!
Maybe you wanted the video maybe not, the four scent combinations are as follows:
Bergamont and Dark Patchouli
Cinnamon Bark and Eucalyptus
Tea Tree and Lavender
Spearmint, Lemon, Lime, and Pink Grapefruit
(The Citrus Stew Blend)
I thought I was done until I remember I had this monstrosity of beard balm

Never fear, I melted it down, added some more carrier oils, and made a new batch with the essential oils that I did not use in the first four batches.

Only time will tell what "Clary Sage, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sweet Orange" beard balm will smell like
Although I have not tried or smelled any of the beard balm as it is cooling I think the process went pretty well.
Stew's Beard Balm 10/10 would recommend
Special shout out to Meredith for supplying the jam jar that I bought
If you are interested in a free sample of Stew's Beard Balm please contact me and I will do my best to send some over.